Divine Food

Divine Food 100 Years in the Kosher Delicatessen Trade is a 1998 American documentary film directed by Bill Chayes about how immigrant butcher Isaac Oscherwitz became the patriarch of a kosher food corporation that serves the dietary needs of Jewish people across the United States.

Born in Germany, Isaac Oscherwitz was a butcher who emigrated to America in the 1880s because of oppression and poverty. When he arrived in Cincinnati, he started his own sausage factory, which created jobs and a delicious product for the citys surprisingly wellpopulated Jewish community. But the Oscherwitzes also established their public face to the community through a familyrun storefront shop, where they sold their meats and other classic Jewish delicacies. Decades later, Isaacs five sons extended the business to Chicago, which had become the center of the meat packing industry, and today the Oscherwitz family is responsible for wellknown brands such as Best Kosher, Shofar, and Sinai.This familial intimacy extends beyond the immediate family members to the way they treat everyone involved in the business, from factory workers to customers. I dont think my husband ever felt like his customers were his customers, one woman says, they were his friends. Another man, who took a job with the Oscherwitzes after he lost everything to the Holocaust, speaks highly of his employers. It was such a family feeling, he explaining how warm and welcoming his coworkers have been. ........

Source: Wikipedia